Angkor recycle

13 Feb

Right. This stuff is amazing!
I have my friend Georgia to thank for introducing me to it via her very cool elephant purse! I have been lusting over getting one for at least a week and it was first port of call after dinner!
Except it didn’t stop at the purse! I’ve ended up with a shopper, a beach bag, a purse and an I phone holder! In going back tomorrow for a kindle and ipad case and a wash bag! I love it so much! It’s such a great idea recycling old cement bags etc to make really cool quirky accessories or is crazy tourists!
The quality on all of them is good too (so says engineer husband!) – although I wouldn’t over load the bags, but lets face it for $6 a beach bag I think it’s worth it!

The company was started by Ms. Yung in 2007. Basically local use the pesticides that come in most of the materials used and then chuck away the packaging causing lots of waste and pollution. What Ms. Yung decide to do was to buy the waste packaging from them to make bags etc from. This supported the locals by providing money and jobs, but has also cut down on pollution!

Now that is cool!

This is their website for some reason I can’t link it ATM but will try again later!









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